Friday, 6 January 2012

How time flies!!

Hey Peeps, Happy New New Year!

It seem 2 new years have come and gone since last we met! ;-) So it has been a loooong time since my last post and a lot has happened since then- I have competed section 1, taken the exam, passed, started section 2 and am about to start my portfolio! Ok so course wise not that much has happened when you look at it like that!  It's all going well so far a lot more 100%s to add to my pass rates and I'm looking forward to start working on some of my own projects for my portfolio. I'm quite far behind in terms of my time to sections complete ratio (3 year course, 3 sections, I'm 2 years in and have done a 3rd of the 2nd section). With one year left to go and more than half the course to complete, I had better get cracking!
I must admit that it has been hard over the past year as my job has been wiping the floor with most of my time and keeping motivated to do course work whilst reading reports that UK game studios are closing left right and centre has been hard to say the least!

As always any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I do still get emails despite the fact that the blog has been "sleeping" for over a year and I will try to start blogging again. All the best for the new year, InCOGnito.