Friday, 11 December 2009

Another reply, this time from Blitz.

Hey Guys,

I have received another friendly email from the PR coordinator at Blitz Games today who has told me that "We currently have no formal opinion on the Train2Game courses, as they have only just started and we would prefer to wait and judge them on their results."

Which I think is a fair comment. Blitz has a very helpful page called which tells you about all of the roles in the games industry and what skills etc you need to possess if you want to work in them. And also gives tips on what preparation to do for an interview for those roles. I will keep you updated on whether or not they change their opinions of the course either way.

As always any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

All the best,



Anonymous said...

And on the blitzacademy page it says:

"Blitz Games Studios actively works with many educational establishments at different levels, to support and encourage best practice and provision. However, we only endorse those courses formally accredited by Skillset; please note that we do NOT endorse any other courses including distance learning courses such as Train2Game."

Adam Prescott said...

I'm aware of that as it says it on the "I'm 95% convinced" post below?! but having contacted them they have replied with the response in this post as I asked them directly why they didn't endorse it!

Please read things through properly before you tell me things I've already told you!