Tuesday, 19 January 2010

A Slight Snag...

Hey Guys,

I have received all of my passwords and user I.D. now so I can start my training.... or at least I could if my computer were working!! so no updates yet on the course but I will keep you informed when I finally get started.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and New year.

All the best,



paul said...

HI ya

Hows the course going for you?

Iv had a rep around & still cant make my mind up, do you still think the company is ok?

Adam Prescott said...


Well let's just say I hope they are as i'm paying £135 month now and am tied into the contract. I haven't heard any proof that the company is bogus, although people have tried. From what I have seen of my course book so far and the feedback that I have had from the different games companies I would say that they are legit but might stil be working out the wrinkles as it's still quite a new course.

If you aren't sure, I would wait and see what I find as I am now able to start the coursework as my computer is now fixed! (yay) If you want to get started sooner then maybe we could help each other out on the TMA's etc?

I leave it to you :)

All the best.

Paul said...

Thanks for replying back wasn't sure if you were still keeping the blog alive.

I still cant make my mind up at the mo, as some people say all the stuff you learn can be found on line. But when asked for links etc, no one seam's to reply back to me. Been on to the T2G forums & they seam really nice people there.

After reading more i think if i do go ahead il be doing the developer course. So maybe not be able to help each with the same course but could work on a project together maybe?

Iv found some older courses etc online that are free but dont get marked. So might have a read of the course info of them & atemped the task for a bit of fun yo see if can fully understand the stuff

Adam Prescott said...

Sounds good. Let me know how you get on and then maybe we could think about a project that we could sink our rookie teeth into. :-)